1. Heating equipment. Heating methods such as electric heating, water heating, coal stoves, even fire, and mantle can be used, but it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the coal stove is dirty and prone to gas poisoning. Pay attention to the conditions of thermal insulation when designing the house.
2. Ventilation equipment. Closed houses must be mechanically ventilated. According to the direction of airflow in the house, they can be divided into horizontal ventilation and longitudinal ventilation. Lateral ventilation means that the direction of airflow in the house is perpendicular to the long axis of the house; longitudinal ventilation refers to the way in which a large number of fans are concentrated in one place, so that the airflow in the house is parallel to the long axis of the house. Practice has proved that the longitudinal ventilation effect is better, which can solve the problem that the ventilation dead angle and the wind speed are small and uneven in the horizontal ventilation, and eliminate the disadvantages of cross-infection between the chicken houses caused by the horizontal ventilation.
3. Water supply equipment. From the perspective of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination, the nipple drinker is the most ideal water supply device. The nipple drinker must be of good quality and not leaking. Nowadays, the most common type is the V-shaped sink, which supplies water with long flowing water, but it takes time to brush the sink every day. Hanging automatic drinking fountains can be used for brooding, which is both hygienic and water-saving.
4. Feeding equipment. The main use of the trough, cage chickens are used with long troughs, this feeding method can be used when raising brooding, or can be fed by bucket. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the throwing of the feed of the chicken. The trough is too shallow, and no bedding can cause waste of feed.
5. Egg collection equipment. The highly mechanized chicken farm uses the conveyor belt to automatically collect eggs, which has high efficiency but high breakage rate. Generally, chicken farmers use hand-collected eggs.
6. Manure removal equipment. General artificial periodic clear manure, large-scale chicken farm can also use mechanical clear manure.
7. Chicken cage system. Brooders can be stenciled, or three-dimensional multi-layer brooders; in addition to flat-line feeding, brooding chickens are often used in overlapping or stepped brooding cages; farmers are directly transferred to egg hen cages at 60-70 days of age.
8. Lighting equipment. Ordinary light bulbs are commonly used for lighting in China, and the trend is to use energy-saving lamps. Many chicken farms install timed automatic control switches instead of manual switches to ensure accurate and reliable illumination time.